Monday, November 30, 2009
#23 Ho Ho HO!
Friday, October 16, 2009
#23 Jump Start
feel your bare feet and the winds
long to play with your hair.
-Khalil Gibran
#22 Old to New
My favorite is the copper cake mold for buttons, this one my son gets to play with and loves.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Challenge #22 - Seeing Old Things in a New Light
We often look at objects and only see one possible utility - the one we've always known. The following web pages show hundreds of innovative ways we can use (and re-use) objects we have around us: New Uses for Old Things and the 50 All-Time Favorite New Uses
This week look around for new ways you can use old things you have. Post a couple of your favorite innovations along with photos by next Monday.
Sharing the Love in SLC

I also ran the last few miles of my sister's marathon with her this past Saturday so she'd know that I loved her and supported her. It was awesome to see her cross the finish line within her desired timeframe!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
#21 Share the love
#20 Life Rythmn
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Response to #20 - A Brief Poem
Parched, I carefully scour shelves
Seeking for just the right source of rejuvenation
Finally, my hand rests on the perfect refreshment
Hours later, text devoured, my soul is satiated.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#15 Photos
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Challenge #20 - Words as Art
"Fear not the voice of the critic,
for no man ever erected a status in honour of a critic."
- Finnish composer
Create a poem or a word picture this week. Share your offering by next Monday.
#19 Introspection on Creativity
1. What is the first creative moment you remember?
Cooking with my mother, playing dress up, coloring, making up my own stories
2. Was anyone there to witness or appreciate it?
My parents
3. What is the best idea you've ever had?
To never let “hard things” hold me back
4. What made it great in your mind?
It gave me courage and confidence that I can accomplish almost anything if I’m willing to work for it
5. What is the dumbest idea?
Worrying more about what others think than what you think for yourself
6. What made it stupid?
You live in a constant worry of not being accepted
7. Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea?
I got tired of wondering what others thought of me, wanted me to do; I got more courageous and confident
8. What is your creative ambition?
To live more freely, less restrained, more boldly
9. What are the obstacles to this ambition?
Myself, perceived rules and social conventions
10. What are the vital steps to achieving this ambition?
Letting go of things; daring to live with less restraint
11. How do you begin your day?
With a prayer of thanks and an early-morning run
12. What are your habits? What patterns do you repeat?
I am a creature of habit – I often eat the same things for meals, I pray every day, walk to work along pretty much the same route daily, read scriptures daily, workout daily, write a short note in my journal each night, church weekly, listen to music whenever possible, travel frequently
13. Describe your first successful creative act?
Not sure this is the first or second, but these are two early ones: sewed a pillow and blanket for my dolls
14. Describe your second successful creative act?
Made cookies
15. Compare them.
Home based, simple pleasures, combination of materials
16. What are your attitudes toward: money, power, praise, rivals, work, play?
I think of money as a tool. I like internal power, but not power than harms others. I love praise and think it is underutilized. I wish people would compete against themselves rather than others. I love work (all sorts) and am comfortable doing it. I have a hard time playing.
17. Which artists do you admire most?
Painters, dancers, writers
18. Why are they your role models?
I love artists’ discipline and ability to tell stories and express emotions with their bodies, words, and/or paintings. I also love the way they can affect others who witness their art.
19. What do you and your role models have in common?
The intense desire to express ourselves through art and delight others
20. Does anyone in your life regularly inspire you?
Yes, many – good people all around who serve others; dedicated parents; prophets
21. Who is your muse?
I don’t believe I have just one – lots of people
22. Define muse.
A motivator; someone who compels me to do more, or be creative, or be more than I currently am
23. When confronted with superior intelligence or talent, how do you respond?
I am impressed.
24. When faced with stupidity, hostility, intransigence, laziness, or indifference in others, how do you respond?
I often feel badly for the person; sometimes I am frustrated with him or her.
25. When faced with impending success or the threat of failure, how do you respond?
Work hard to succeed
26. When you work, do you love the process or result?
Both – I love the process because that’s where the learning takes place. I love the result because you can see the output of your and others’ efforts.
27. At what moments do you feel your reach exceeds your grasp?
28. What is your ideal creative activity?
No one answer - reading (because it spawns my thinking, writing, baking, sewing, teaching
29. What is your greatest fear?
Being with someone in person, but not connecting completely with them mentally, spiritually, or emotionally
30. What is the likelihood of your above answer happening?
Hopefully, not very likely
31. Which of your answers would you most like to change?
Being able to identify a specific creative ambition to pursure
32. What is your idea of mastery?
Attainment of perfection
33. What is your greatest dream?
Traveling everywhere in the world I want to go
Monday, August 24, 2009
#19 crazy hard to do

2. Was anyone there to witness or appreciate it?
3. What is the best idea you've ever had?
4. What made it great in your mind?
5. What is the dumbest idea?
6. What made it stupid?
7. Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea?
8. What is your creative ambition?
9. What are the obstacles to this ambition?
10. What are the vital steps to achieving this ambition?
11. How do you begin your day?
12. What are your habits? What patterns do you repeat?
13. Describe your first successful creative act?
14. Describe your second successful creative act?
15. Compare them.
16. What are your attitudes toward: money, power, praise, rivals, work, play?
Power: I like to be in control of myself and situations
Praise: thrive on it, work for it
Rivals: try to make them friends, jealousy, ignore
Work: don’t mind hard work if I enjoy or believe in what I’m doing. Work harder on projects for other people then for myself
Play: Big priority, important part of my life and beliefs
17. Which artist do you admire most?
18. Why are they your role models?
19. What do you and your role models have in common?
20. Does anyone in your life regularly inspire you?
21. Who is your muse?
22. Define muse.
23. When confronted with superior intelligence or talent, how do you respond?
24. When faced with stupidity, hostility, intransigence, laziness, or indifference in others, how do you respond?
25. When faced with impending success or the threat of failure, how do you respond?
26. When you work, do you love the process or result?
27. At what moments do you feel your reach exceeds your grasp?
28. What is your ideal creative activity?
29. What is your greatest fear?
30. What is the likelihood of your above answer happening?
31. Which of your answers would you most like to change?
32. What is your idea of mastery?
Having enough skill to teach others, but knowing you’ve only scratched the surface and need to continually keep learning, trying, exploring
33. What is your greatest dream?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
#17 Celebrate - a little late
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#19 Your Creative Autobiography
Say how you feel
Walk away
Ask for help
(I was taken by this conflict resolution mantra this week)
I am currently reading 'The Creative Habit, learn it and use it for life' by Twyla Tharp. The book is a work book for creativity. As the challenge this week complete Twyla's 'Creative Autobiography'.

1. What is the first creative moment you remember?
2. Was anyone there to witness or appreciate it?
3. What is the best idea you've ever had?
4. What made it great in your mind?
5. What is the dumbest idea?
6. What made it stupid?
7. Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea?
8. What is your creative ambition?
9. What are the obstacles to this ambition?
10. What are the vital steps to achieving this ambition?
11. How do you begin your day?
12. What are your habits? What patterns do you repeat?
13. Describe your first successful creative act?
14. Describe your second successful creative act?
15. Compare them.
16. What are your attitudes toward: money, power, praise, rivals, work, play?
17. Which artist do you admire most?
18. Why are they your role models?
19. What do you and your role models have in common?
20. Does anyone in your life regularly inspire you?
21. Who is your muse?
22. Define muse.
23. When confronted with superior intelligence or talent, how do you respond?
24. When faced with stupidity, hostility, intransigence, laziness, or indifference in others, how do you respond?
25. When faced with impending success or the threat of failure, how do you resond?
26. When you work, do you love the process or result?
27. At what moments do you feel your reach exceeds your grasp?
28. What is your ideal creative activity?
29. What is your greatest fear?
30. What is the likelihood of your above answer happening?
31. Which of your answers would you most like to change?
32. What is your idea of mastery?
33. What is your greatest dream?
Once you post your answers to the above questions also post what you took away from the exercise.
#18 Giving

Great article. I sent the link to a few of my friends working in the 'not for profit' world, who are dependent on the generosity of others to continue the amazing work they do.
Two things really came to me in reading the article. First, to start thinking about how to involve my son in our volunteering and financial giving in the future.
Second, it solidified my desire to continue our support of Colorado Youth at Risk monetarily. Particularly in this financial climate when writing the check each quarter becomes more difficult.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Challenge 18 - Giving Is Good

This week read or listen to an address about giving by Dr. Arthur C. Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, in February of 2009 at a BYU forum. You can either listen to it or read it. Write your thoughts about the address and one thing you're going to do differently because of reading and/or listening to it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Celebration Creation

The kit contents include:
-paper products for meals
-a bottle of watered down dish detergent for hand washing
-a container of cooking utinsels (like spatulas, a wire whisk, etc.)
-an assortment of plastic bags (all sizes and varieties)
-hot pads
-dish towels
-toilet paper
-a tablecloth
-salt and pepper shakers
-durable plastic glasses and utinsels for eating (so they can be washed and reused)
Eventually, I want to add several other things to my kit like:
-string for a clothes line
-newspaper for starting fires
Now that I'm ready for camping, I hope that the outdoor overnight excursions continue through the rest of the summer!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
#17 Celebrate
I am on a wonderful adventure and will never
go through this particular experience again.
As it is my 2nd wedding anniversary this week, I'm in a celebratory mood. So this short weeks challenge (sorry for the late post) is to create something for a celebration. Be it food, cards, crafts or whatever you dream up. Photos and post on monday!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
#16 New Friend?
I was out watering my front yard when Tom walked up. He was obviously 'tripping' on something but jovial enough. He proceeded to walk up and down our block talking with me and pulling weeds from my neighbors yards. At one point he even watered my neighbors plants. He was super chatty until he noticed Cary sitting on the front porch. Embarrassed he asked if that was my husband. When I responded "yes" he left to garden elsewhere.
Monday, July 20, 2009
New Friend Jana
Three things I learned about Jana:
1. She grew up in Virginia
2. She thinks deeply
3. She has been the recipient of unexpected miracles
One thing Jana and I have in common:
1. We both love learning and designing instructional materials
Monday, July 13, 2009
Challenge #16 - Make a New Friend
A New Connection Point
Thursday, June 25, 2009
#15 New & Fresh Challenge
This week, create something new. Try something you have never attempted before. Document and post next Monday.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
#14 What's a garlic scape?

Red Leaf Lettuce
Green Leaf Lettuce
Tuscan Kale
Curly leaf Kale
Garlic Scapes
To celebrate we fixed a feast with our neighbors who we split our farm share with.
The menu was:
Pasta primavera (Kale)
Green Salad (Radishes, Spinach, Lettuce)
Roasted Beets with feta
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
We also juiced Kale, Beet Greens, Carrots and a few apples!
The surprise in our box was garlic scapes. This little green is a bit like a green onion, but with a mild garlic flavor. They are part of the garlic plant which needs to be removed when growing garlic to help form big juicy bulbs. So its a win, win. Great bulbs later, yummy garlic scapes now. Lightly sauted they add a bit of garlic to any dish or a kick when chopped fresh sprinkled on any dish.
Monday, June 22, 2009
New Peas and Potatoes
The dish is very easy to fix. You quarter and boil the new potatoes (leaving the skins on) and shell and boil the peas separately. While the peas and potatoes are boiling, make a white sauce out of milk, flour, salt, and butter. When the white sauce is thick and the potatoes and peas are ready, combine them together and serve them immediately. The resulting meal is light and absolutely delicious - perfect for a summer evening!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Challenge 14 - Garden Fresh
Cards on the way...
Monday, June 15, 2009
#13 How does your garden grow
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Future is Indeed Bright!
I have faith in sunshine - it brings out the best in people.
I have faith in children - they are our bright hope for the future.
I have faith that God exists and watches over all of His children on earth.
I have faith in the power of the human spirit to overcome great odds.
I have faith in exercise, good nutrition, and healthy living.
I have faith in using natural means to cure illnesses and heal the body and soul.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
#13 Write it down
#12 Faith
I did not record daily those things that I have faith in, but I did think about it often this week. Most of my musing were about those things that scare me in this world and what kind of faith I have in the world, people and myself to change them.
I watched two documentaries this week that focused on one of those subjects that keep me up at night, food. That seems funny to type but I think it is one of the scariest subjects in the world today. I watched 'The Real Dirt on Farmer John' and 'The future of food'. These movies focus on the rise of chemical and industrial farming industry, the environmental degradation, health concerns and loss of small family farms.

While I watch movies like these, my heart aches and I think how will we survive, are we setting our civilization up for failure. I wallow without seeing an out, my faith is temporarily put to the side. Luckily as I wallow the movies change and talk about those who are fighting, changing and turning the tide. My faith is sparked and I think about the 2000 acre organic farm I am a member of and how my choice to only buy organic produce that is produced locally really is fighting and can make a difference.
So today I have faith in consumer power, organic farmers and my son. I often wonder if bringing a child into the world today is a good idea. Then I spend time with him and take in all his light and goodness and I know that the world needs more light like him and that he will help repair the damage we have done.
To learn more about CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) in your area contact or in Colorado

#11 Gorilla Gardening
My surprise warm fuzzy came in the form of gorilla gardening. I live very urban and often times the very small front yard landscapes are forgotten and become overgrown. Last week I would slip out of the house after 9:00pm and secretly pull weeds. One advantage to living urban is we have lots of street lights that make moonlight gardening easy to accomplish. I received many compliments from passerby's as I frantically worked trying not to get caught.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Challenge #12 - A Bright Future
Smile Away
I also found that commenting on people's children or pets (especially when hiking or walking) works great to make a connection and sometimes even start a brief or extended conversation.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
#11 Surprise!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Steph's Unique Jewelry Piece
Sunday, May 24, 2009
#10 Unique Jewlery Piece by Julie
I used fabric left over from a quilt lining. I loved the fabric and was a little disappointed I was only using it for a quilt backing. This gave me a chance to have something that would display and highlight this fabric.

The button loops as explained in the book, work fantastic and are very easy to make. These were a new skill for me.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Uniquely You
-Gary Lee Price, sculptor, January 2004
This week design and create a piece of jewelry that is uniquely you. Explain how it represents you and/or any symbolism behind the jewelry in your blog posting next Monday and, of course, provide a picture of the beautiful finished piece.

The words" Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine" most spoke to me this week. Ever since January I have been training for the Ogden Marathon with my younger sister, Laura. Two weeks ago, Laura sustained an injury and didn't know if she'd be able to run the race on May 16 or not. Last Wednesday, May 13, she decided she wouldn't run. I was terrified to run the race alone. I told her and the rest of my family that I wasn't going to do it. Finally, on Friday, they convinced me to run the race without Laura. Both of my sisters said to me, "This is your chance to get out there and run hard. You're a fast runner. You could run a really fast race because you won't have either of us to slow you down."
Saturday morning, I intended to run the race alone, but then my pacing watch that I had borrowed from Laura was dead and I had no way of keeping track of time. Thus, I started running the race with Laura's friend and neighbor, Jen who had a pacing watch. I felt really good and had to hold myself back a bit to run with Jen, but I was still so fearful of running alone that I stayed with her until mile 18. At that time, she said to me "You can run faster than this. Go ahead." So, I mustered up courage and started running at the pace my body felt natural to do. I did that for the last eight miles. To put it in the words of the quote, I finally allowed myself to"come out from behind the clouds." Amazingly, I did "shine." I ran the last eight miles at a sub eight-minute mile pace and finished strong at 3 hours 28 minutes and 24 seconds. Ironically, though the finish time was good, it doesn't really matter to me. What matters most is that I was finally had the courage to run on my own.
Once I had this realization I put it more into practice. I feel best when I practice yoga, just stepping on my mat is a meditation for me. I know that fitting in a full daily practice right now is an unreasonable and unattainable goal. So, I am setting one that I feel is within my reach. Each day I will step foot on my mat, get grounded and take a deep breath. Hopefully this ritual and the lure of the meditation will inspire me to do a small portion of my practice.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lucky number 9
Live purely. Be quiet.
Do your work with mastery.
Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds!
Random Acts of Kindness
#1 - My neighbor hates all things having to do with gardening. I love all things having to do with gardening, so I planted his parking strip and have committed to its care this summer.
#2 - My girlfriend works for Delta and often lets me fly for free on buddy passes. I recently used one of her buddy passes. As a thank you I made her these wool felt coasters.
#3 - Another neighbor just brought home there granddaughter and her preemie baby boy. I put together a care package of gently used items of my sons for them on mothers day.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Acts of Kindness Report
As I completed the good deed challenge this past week, I learned that one of my best creative gifts and/or talents is to assemble or orchestrate the coming together of things. This is evident in the three "acts of kindness" I have chosen to report on.
1. When I learned that my parents were coming home and would be staying at my Grandma's house for a few weeks, I decided to assemble a food basket with their favorite edible items so things they like to eat would be readily available to them. It was fun to shop for and arrange all the items in the basket.
2. I bought and assembled a bouquet of flowers for my mom for Mother's Day. Arranging the flowers so the colors, textures, and sizes worked well together was fairly intriguing.
3. I took my sister-in-law's and mother's wedding rings into the jeweler to have their crowns replaced and to be cleaned for my dad and brother this past week. When I got the rings back, I wanted them to be wrapped beautiful without expending any money, so I used the plastic wrap and ribbon from the flower packaging I had purchased earlier as wrapping paper and the bow.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Challenge #8 - Good Deeds
Dandelions by Julie #7

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Objects from the Sea
Last weekend I traveled to the Oregon coast with a few friends, seeking rejuvenation and solace. Walking on the beach daily brought peace to my soul and joy to my heart. My finds for this week come from my walks along the beach - rocks of all shapes, compositions, and textures worn and weathered by the sea. I didn't make any permanent configuration of these rocks because I like to take them out of the bowl regularly and arrange them in various patterns on my desk.