Farmer John
I did not record daily those things that I have faith in, but I did think about it often this week. Most of my musing were about those things that scare me in this world and what kind of faith I have in the world, people and myself to change them.
I watched two documentaries this week that focused on one of those subjects that keep me up at night, food. That seems funny to type but I think it is one of the scariest subjects in the world today. I watched 'The Real Dirt on Farmer John' and 'The future of food'. These movies focus on the rise of chemical and industrial farming industry, the environmental degradation, health concerns and loss of small family farms.

While I watch movies like these, my heart aches and I think how will we survive, are we setting our civilization up for failure. I wallow without seeing an out, my faith is temporarily put to the side. Luckily as I wallow the movies change and talk about those who are fighting, changing and turning the tide. My faith is sparked and I think about the 2000 acre organic farm I am a member of and how my choice to only buy organic produce that is produced locally really is fighting and can make a difference.
So today I have faith in consumer power, organic farmers and my son. I often wonder if bringing a child into the world today is a good idea. Then I spend time with him and take in all his light and goodness and I know that the world needs more light like him and that he will help repair the damage we have done.
To learn more about CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) in your area contact www.localharvest.org or in Colorado www.grantfarms.com